Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Voices singing, let's be jolly..."

According to Buddy the Elf (perhaps the most quoteable and loveable movie character ever!),
"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."

It doesn't take much prompting for me to take those wise words to heart. :)

(By the way, another good way to spread Christmas cheer is by changing the font in your blog to red and green, haha.)

I've been doing a lot of singing lately -- even more than the usual amount.

In the past week, I have sung at a preschool, at the karaoke place (twice!) and a solo at church. (Click to see the video that Kenji took of "The First Noel.")

Here's a picture from Christmas caroling at the preschool on Saturday...

The carolers from left to right -- Liz, Mayla, Saya (my hug buddy from church), the one and only Tomoki (who introduced himself as Devon Sease!), and Sean.

I hope that our singing spreads holiday cheer! Through singing, I also aim to praise and glorify Jesus Christ, the reason for Christmas.

I enjoy singing and music, in general. They make me smile, and...

"Smiling's my favorite!!!" (That was another "Elf" reference for you.) :)

* * * *

"I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples." -- Psalm 57:9


Dawn said...

I'm the first to comment again - LOL! I must be up the earliest.

Anyways, you have a wonderful voice - I am currently listenng to the video as I type this (I am watching too!). Keep on singing - you can do it for us who can't sing well (like me) - LOL.

I like the Elf references.

Anonymous said...

My comment must not have posted! I enjoyed listening to you sing! You have such a great voice! Can't wait to see you!!!!