(Saying sayonara to friends in Kuji is NOT one of them.) So far, I've had to say final goodbyes at four of my eleven schools.
Today was my last day at Kuji Elementary, and I felt like a rock star since I performed a "mini concerto"--as the teachers and students said--on stage for the entire school! (which I'm guessing is about 600 people, eek!) But despite feeling like an admired celebrity, it was still hard when the time came to walk away.
My dad made a good point when he said that it can be hard saying goodbye to people you hang out with for a week at summer camp--let alone people you've gotten to know over two years!
Very true.
Although it's sad that this is my last month in Kuji, there's also been a lot going on to be happy about. Such as...
- Parties -- In addition to the many sayonara shindigs this month, I also had another birthday party! (See, I wasn't kidding about this year's birthday being the b-day that doesn't end, haha.)
I'd never had a "parfait party" for my birthday until last Tuesday at Okawame Jr. High with Junichi. What a treat!
- The election happened yesterday
(a.k.a. The people with bullhorns are gone now--hooray!)
In Japan, election folks campaign by driving their loud & obnoxious vans around the city, making announcements and speeches. I did NOT appreciate them parking just outside my apartment at 8 a.m. on a Saturday(!). Therefore, I am NOT sad to bid them farewell...it's more like good riddance!
- Making new friends -- Last weekend, I met Tomoko, who lived in New Zealand for five years, and she is lovely...
This weekend, I made many new friends in Morioka when I went to Bobby & Mai's wedding party. Which brings me to...
- Friends getting married -- I'll write more about their wedding celebration next time. :) But I will say this...I had a lot of fun dancing!
- Trying new foods -- like the cold Chinese noodles with various toppings that we had at my English conversation class yesterday...
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