I remember having a project in third grade in which I had to make something out of things that would usually be thrown away or recycled.
While I can't remember exactly what I ended up making (and I've been sitting here thinking real hard about it!), whatever it was probably wasn't as cool as what my students created...
I like the American flag on the one made with Coke bottles. The irony. Although Mr. America has the height advantage, I think Mr. Angry Corn Chips has enough rage pent up inside him to win the battle.
And then there's "the adorable peacemaker"...
I've written before about how amazed I am by the artistic talent of my students, especially when it comes to drawing. Check out the work of this second grade student...
A couple of weeks ago, Tomoki challenged me to draw some abstract art -- something I'd never really tried before. (I made sure this wasn't his homework before accepting the challenge!) I wasn't sure if I could pull it off, but feeling inspired by my creative students, I had fun creating a music-themed drawing. I actually got pretty into it...
I enjoyed it so much that this kind of abstract style of drawing has become a new hobby for me -- something to do while watching TV or waiting around. Here are a few pieces I've done in the last couple of weeks -- using a pencil, then pen, then markers...
What I really like about doing this kind of art is that it's hard to mess up since anything goes! :)
You are just good at everything you do! You would be great at making seek and finds!
Wow...what an artist you are !!! :)
Looks like fun!!
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