Last time I wrote about doing Christmas lessons at the elementary and junior high schools.
But I've been spreading some holiday cheer in other ways, too. :)
Last Saturday, Harriet and I made our monthly preschool visit, where we played a few simple Christmas games and some coloring...
On Tuesday night, I had a little Christmas gathering at my apartment for members of my Japanese dance team -- just like I did last year.
This is what your entryway looks like when you have a party in Japan. A shoe convention!
Ayaka walked in carrying a gorgeous gingerbread house, and of course I had to get pictures...

Almost too pretty to eat! Almost.
Saya and Ayaka -- two of my sweetest Japanese friends -- eating sweets. :)
About an hour after the party was over I got the following text (in English!) from Saya...
Thank you today. I was very happy. Thank you for a good memory today. The encounter with you is a treasure. I love you.
Aww. :) What a sweetheart!
On Wednesday night, I had a "let's celebrate the end of the year" dinner with my English conversation class, and afterwards we went to karaoke and sang a bunch of Christmas songs...
And tonight, Liz is having a Christmas dinner at her place, and afterwards we're doing Christmas karaoke!
I'm looking forward to belting out Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You."
Oh yeah. :)
It looks like you have been having lots of fun!!! I have been singing that Mariah Carey song about everyday since Thanksgiving, I just love that song!!!
Ai Shiteru!!!!
The gingerbread house was too cute. I thought about buying a kit and making one - but I know I would have given up and eaten it just out of the box out of frustration. We did just did make a lot of fudge - a 8x8 pan full. I'd so mail ya some but it would be bad before it got there.
Glad you are soaking up some Christmas fun. I am trying my best to do the same. It's not home for the holidays, but it'll do. Is your preschool thing part of work? Or a side-job? or volunteer? Just curious.
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