After class, Ms. Ishikawa (the English teacher I work with--she's wonderful) announces, "Mail time!" I collect the small notebooks and take them to the teachers' room, where I immediately read the fun messages.
I whip out my official teacher pen with the red ink and make some corrections and comments. Then, I write a little letter in response. :)
Not only is it fun for me since I'm getting to know the students better, but it's a great English exercise for them. Definitely a win-win situation!
Here's what a letter looks like after corrections:
Since it's a little hard to read, here's what it says... (Again, this is a few weeks old.)
Hello Ms. Dana (*cute star*)
Thank you very much for your Christmas present. I'm glad because you gave me a lot of candy. It was very delicious. (*cute heart*) I heard you talk about winter vacation. It sounds fun. (*cute music note*) I'm sad because I had the flu during winter vacation. I could not go out anywhere. I want to play with my friend during spring vacation! See you. ~Atsumi
Atsumi is so cute! She likes to draw little pictures in the notebook, and it really makes me smile. I usually get a chuckle out of the notes Shoma writes me, too. He has such a goofy personality! Here's what I got in today's "mail." (This is before I edited it.)...
Hi, Ms. Dana.
I like many comics. Do you like comics? I like comics is baseball comics and action comics. I'm happy when I'm reading comics. I need a comics. I will read comics. bye. ~Shoma
Nice. On the positive side, there weren't any spelling errors. But still, the red pen was needed.
Other than at Mugyo Jr. High, I don't do much grading. The English teacher grades tests and quizzes since some sections are in Japanese. I walk around the classroom when the students are working on English worksheets and correct/help them.
Sometimes I plan lessons or activities, but the English teacher determines the schedule and topic for the class. As an ALT (that's "assistant language teacher," as a reminder), I'm there basically to help with pronunciation and also teach about American culture. Just about every day I say: "Please repeat (this sentence or word) after me..."
It's about time I describe what I do on a daily basis, huh? :)
The letter before editing seemed really good - you must be a good teacher to only need to fix a few things.
Now we know why you are liked - you bribed them with chocolate for Christmas. LOL - just joking.
I am glad I finally know what you do on a daily basis. Although I already knew since I am so caught up on your life!
That is amazing that they do not have any spelling error! Better than I could do!
Love you!
This is just one way we are alike. It is amazing to know I can learn something new about you or your life almost on a daily basis. I love you more and more the more I learn about you.
Hey Dana! I don't know if you know it, but I am quite the frequenter of your blog! Anything you can say about what you do (or what I will be doing) is most appreciated :) I hope everything is going great. Peace,
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