Actually, it might just be my VERY favorite place in all of Kuji. Crepe House Sweets.
As soon as you walk inside the door of this cozy venue, you'll be welcomed by the sweetest little lady who owns the shop. She works all day making delicious crepes and adorable ice cream creations.
I want to know how she stays so thin with a job like this!
You'll imediately notice that the walls are completely covered with pictures of customers posing with their treats. If you look closely, you'll see that in between Ayaka and me is a picture of Ayaka and me. :)
After you've placed your order (which can be hard to do since there are so many wonderful options of crepe fillings and ice cream flavors), it's time to sit back and relax. Grab a notebook from the rack and doodle or write a message. Or in my case, also study Japanese. Here's a little doodle-message I made in one of the notebooks. :) That's hot strawberry milk {yummy} in the cups behind the notebook.
I like to look at what other folks have doodled. This doesn't even qualify as a doodle; it's a work of art! There are some seriously talented people who visit the sweets shop. I've noticed that many of my students are extremely artistic as well -- especially at drawing anime (Japanese cartoon) characters.
Time to chow down! There's berry ice cream somewhere underneath the mountain of whipped cream, the corn puff decorations and the heart candies on top!
Ayaka and I agree that it is never too cold for ice cream. (As long as you're eating it inside, anyway.) And we also agree that Crepe House Sweets is the place to go.
The atmosphere is homey. The prices are great. The service is wonderful. The food is scrumptious.
What a sweet deal!
This place looks like it is RIGHT up my wonderfully quaint and sweet!
We def have to go here when I am in Japan! Reading this makes me hungry!!! I can see why this is one of your favorite places in Kuji!!!
Love you!
The last picture looks delicious - too bad you can't mail me one :-).
Oh, I want to go here! It's like Honeydukes and Florean Fortescue's (from Harry Potter) combined! Right? Anyone? Anyone? Is this thing on? [ahem]
Well, go check the third HP book if you don't remember. Anyway, this place looks and sounds amazing! You did a great job at promoting it...Ray Begovich would be very proud! Eat an extra chocolatey crepe-ice cream treat for me. [looks at lunch of salad sadly]
Oh Dana, you love crepes!! I will bring you to a crepe restaurant (Japanese style) in Singapore okay? Its good to know that you have a good Japanese friend, Oyaka to bring you to nice places!!
Yumm....This place looks like it's for me. :) I know you are enjoying it!
Your new camera does that much better pictures then your old one.
Still loving you!!
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