That's why I'm so proud of all the students. English isn't easy for most of them, yet they each memorized a one-page story or speech in English. I can't imagine memorizing a whole page of Japanese and then reciting it -- focusing on my expression, intonation and pronouncing everything correctly -- plus doing gestures. There's no way!
Last week, I went to an English-speaking contest in a nearby town, as one of five judges. I had a good time judging the contest and was impressed by those students as well. It was harder to judge than I thought it'd be. Although judging was fun, I was happy to not have that pressure and to just watch the Kuji contest.
I was especially interested in watching three girls from Okamawe Junior High School compete because I helped them practice their speeches. For the last two weeks, I have spent an hour and a half almost every afternoon/early evening working with them. (So I couldn't be a judge at the Kuji contest because I would have been biased.)
I found that the hardest letters for the girls to pronounce in English, as well as many of the other speakers at the contest, are "th," "r," and "w." For example, the word "everything" usually sounds more like "everysing." Often during the contest, words that started with the letter "v" sounded more like they began with the letter "b."
Each of the girls I worked with had her own "trouble words" that I had to pronounce over and over again. One of the girls had problem pronouncing the word "problem," and the way she said the word "wrong" was wrong. Oh, the irony!
During the speech contest on Thursday, my girls made me proud! Here's a picture of me with them, following the contest:
I enjoyed listening to all the different stories and speeches. My favorite part was the end, when the winners were announced. Except the announcer lady called them "weiners" instead! I about lost it when she ended the contest by saying, "Congratulations to all of these weiners!" :)
She proves my point that English is not always easy to pronounce for non-native speakers!
Yes! Congratulations to all of the wieners! Now, see, if she had said winners, the end of your blog would not have been as amusing :)
Oh, I made a link to your blog on mine! I figured out how to!
This is the 2nd time that I am not the 1st to write on your blog. :( Oh well.
I am glad that one of the girls that you helped won. That is exciting. See you are making a difference already!!!
NOTE: I tried to post this earlier but I made a mistake. Oops!
I liked everysing (wink-wink) about your blog. You write so well.
Meanwhile, your picture included a beautiful American on the far right: you!! :)
Love you and miss you!
Stacie (& Carrie!!)
P.S. We had sushi tonight!
I died laughing when you wrote about "weiners." Ha ha! Oh my goodness. I can only imagine how much you died laughing. I'm still cracking up about it.
You are amazing. I love you.
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