Although my major at Franklin College was journalism, people sometimes guessed that I was going to be an elementary teacher.
In fact, my R.A. freshman year told me that I'm the "most wanna-be el. ed. major" she had ever seen. And she even said that before she saw me around kids!
I guess it's because I have an upbeat personality and "teacher handwriting" that I have an elementary education reputation. (ooh, that rhymes!) Besides, I absolutely love being around kids. (for the most part, anyway. I'm not a big fan of screaming and whining.)
As much as I like kids and teaching, I didn't major in education because I don't see that being a career for me for the rest of my life. I'd like to have children of my own one day, and I don't know that I'd enjoy being around my own kids as much if I dealt with other kids all day long, every day. I've thought that I could just be a Sunday School teacher instead. Or...maybe teach for a couple of years in another country to satisfy the el. ed. major within.
So I'm excited about being a teacher for elementary students in Japan for a little while. I've had a lot of experience with kids -- and even a little experience teaching kids in other countries. (Another reason why maybe I have a "most wanna-be el. ed. major" reputation.)
Maybe it's because I am a big kid that I like being around kids so much! I love their energy, imagination and the funny, off-the-wall things that they say.
This week I'm volunteering at Vacation Bible School at church. Yesterday, I was the story-teller, and although it was kind of chaotic at times, at least the kids understood English, which makes it so much easier! Tonight at VBS, a five-year-old named Gary was asked to pray. He said (as fast as possible), "DearGod,thankyoufor thisday. Ahhh! Ok, I'm done!" It made me smile.
Maybe it's because I am a big kid that I like being around kids so much! I love their energy, imagination and the funny, off-the-wall things that they say.
This week I'm volunteering at Vacation Bible School at church. Yesterday, I was the story-teller, and although it was kind of chaotic at times, at least the kids understood English, which makes it so much easier! Tonight at VBS, a five-year-old named Gary was asked to pray. He said (as fast as possible), "DearGod,thankyoufor thisday. Ahhh! Ok, I'm done!" It made me smile.
I have so many good "kid stories." I look forward to having even more fun stories to share soon about the cute Japanese children I'll teach. I hope that I never lose my inner child, and I wish that for everyone.
Four of my favorite VBS kids displaying their bugs.
I thought the samething about you when I first met you, that you are the most wanna be el ed teacher there is. lol! I agree with your reason for not wanting to be an el ed teacher and that is my thought and kind of why I switched as well. I love being around kids but not for a living! Once again it was good to read your blog I have been waiting on it!
Oh just crack me up. I think you will do a very good job teaching in Kuji. You are able to "wing" things better than any person I know.
I am jealous.
I love you so much!
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