But first, it really is so good to be back home again in Indiana (from India to India-na), just in time for the birth of my perfect & precious baby niece!! She's such a miracle, and it was amazing to hold her at the hospital when she was just over an hour old! Needless to say, the whole family is excited and happy that both Brittney and baby are healthy and well.
I also feel so blessed for the good health and safety that I had--during the time on the ship, then the five weeks of doing practical work in Sri Lanka, and the week of traveling up the coast of India.
God is truly AWESOME!! I'm in awe of His great love, His creation, and how He has a plan and a purpose for each person. One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11:"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It's for this reason that I don't need to worry, even though I don't have a job now, and I have no idea what my future holds.
It's obvious that my time on the ship was part of God's plan for me. It was inspiring, challenging, educational and exactly what I needed. From first-hand experience, I know how upsetting and disappointing it is when you make your own plan, and it doesn't work out. But that just means that there's something else you're meant to do instead.
For me, that "something" was serving on the Logos Hope, in the three-month program with these lovely people...

I really miss all my friends from the ship, as I knew I would. It was so special to be part of such a unique, international Christian community--an experience that I'll always treasure. And in the coming days, I'll enjoy going through pictures, reflecting, writing, and posting about the last few months. Stay tuned. :)