Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Greetings from Logos Hope!
It's the middle of the night and I really need to get to sleep (a combination of excitement and jet lag has made me an insomniac!), but here's a brief re-cap of the long blog post I just wrote:
I'm doing great so far, meeting new people left and right, and trying to memorize all different kinds of names! We had orientation all day today, and my favorite part of that was doing a scavenger hunt as a way to familiarize ourselves with the ship. We set sail at 6 p.m. which was really exciting with everyone cheering and waving! I can barely tell we're moving since it's so smooth...I'm happy to say that "smooth" is a good word to describe the entire journey thus far. :)
I'm absolutely loving being part as such an international Christian community (as I knew I would), and I can't wait to see what God has in store for the next two and half months!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Going with an open mind & servant heart
This time tomorrow, I'll be on my way toward the ship!!
Here's the plan...
I'm meeting a fellow "STEPper"/travel buddy/new friend in Chicago, getting on a 14-hour flight to Abu Dhabi, and finally boarding Logos Hope in Dubai. We'll sail straight away for 9 days to Colombo, Sri Lanka. The ship is having some special maintenance done there, so I'll most likely be off the ship doing service week for two weeks in Colombo. From May 11th to May 24th we'll be docked in Tuticorin, India. Then we sail to Kochi, India, where I'll be for the last two weeks of May.
While we're docked, local people will be boarding the ship to check out the bookstore.
I still don't know exactly where on the ship I'll be working/what I'll be doing during my time onboard, but I'll do my best to be flexible. :)
One of the other "unknowns" about this trip is what the internet situation is going to be like exactly. I've decided not to take my laptop since there are computers on the ship I can use, but there may not always be internet. So there's a good possibility that I won't be able to publish blog posts/pictures while I'm gone. I'll update as much as I possibly can, but I might have to write about the experience on Logos Hope once I'm home again at the beginning of June.
I'd love to get e-mails or cards while I'm gone! I've put addresses on the right side so we can be in touch. I'd definitely appreciate it if you could please keep me & my new friends serving onboard the ship in your thoughts & prayers. I'm both nervous and excited about this adventure that's about to begin!...