Here's a picture that was taken just moments after I was introduced to my host mom (left) and her niece (beside me)...
My host father took this picture, and that's my host brother beside me.
In the tour, I said that the room beside the living room was a bedroom, but that's actually a lie. It was a sitting room, and the bedrooms were upstairs, which I never saw.
After a good night's sleep on the super comfy futon, I was greeted by my very friendly family and a big, Japanese breakfast...
After breakfast, they told me we were going for a drive. I had told them the night before about my addiction to ice cream (haha), so they took me to an ice cream 9 a.m.!! I had the mountain berry flavor and immensely enjoyed the delicious, creamy goodness. :)
Just for fun, I had a little taste of wasabi ice cream! (Wasabi is the ridiculously spicy green horseradish stuff that you eat with sushi.) The ice cream definitely tasted like wasabi, but wasn't real spicy. I felt like I should eat sushi with it!
And finally, here's a picture of the outside of the house where I stayed...(quite large by Japanese standards)
Overall, the homestay was a really great time, and I couldn't have been treated any better! They took several pictures of us together, and then (bless their hearts) had the photos developed and put into a little album, which they gave me as I was boarding the train to leave.
Japanese people in general are extremely polite and kind, and the hospitality of my host family was almost overwhelming! Good times indeed. :)